Mother's Day 2020 💕

SHEisDOPE caught up with a few followers and asked them questions pertaining to Mother’s Day. We wanted to hear from new moms and seasoned moms. What does motherhood mean to you? This day can still be enjoyed while social distancing, so keep your loved ones close and eat good today!


What have you learned from motherhood?

“There is no playbook, so don't even try and cheat the code!”



What’s the best thing about motherhood?

“Motherhood is the scariest, yet most beautiful thing I have ever partaken in, in life. I hate to sound cliché, but I wouldn’t change anything about this journey. I would have to say that the best thing about motherhood would have to be watching my children grow into their own person. Being able to help mold them into incredible women who will undoubtedly help foster change in the world while touching others along the way.”



What does motherhood mean to you?

“To me, Kilothedopemom Rebel, Serial entrepreneur and mother of 8 month old Chief Saiyah, motherhood means providing unconditional love and unbiased guidance for the manifestation of love, that is my son. Being blessed with such an amazing gift and responsibility motivates me to not only accomplish all goals I’ve set for self, but to also walk in the light of a Goddess, so that my son has no doubt in the fact that he is a God. Being an image of love and authenticity for my son is very important to me so he knows not to waiver from his true self, and always abide by the vibes of his intentions. Mothering a Black man in America can be a daunting and terrifying task on the best of days. Motherhood is continuing to solidify an indestructible foundation for my sprouts in order to assure that they are never obligated to rely on the system or anyone else who does not operate with pure and genuine intentions for the collective.”


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How has life changed since becoming a mom?

“Life has changed so much. I feel like I have a purpose, that someone's well being and livelihood is in my hands. He's only been here for a year and I can't imagine life without him, which is crazy bc I had 29 whole years to myself before him.”



What does motherhood mean to you?

“To me, motherhood means that I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to raise an amazing, little girl. It has been about patience, hard work, forgiveness, and most importantly unconditional love. God knew I needed someone special as a best friend and to keep me motivated. I truly believe my beautiful daughter was created specifically for me.”


“It comes with challenges, but at the same time I love being a mother. It keeps me grounded and focused on what life is all about.”
— Taraji P. Henson

What’s the best thing about being a mom to a boy?

“For me, it’s building this connection of openness where we talk about anything, honestly. And I’m excited to see us and that connection grow. He’s only four. There’s such an adventure ahead of us.”



What has motherhood taught you?

“To be the type of woman I want my daughter to grow up to be.”



What does motherhood mean to you?

“Motherhood means a bunch of different things to me, it has made me a better human, a more patient human. Motherhood is the hardest, most beautiful, most tiring, most reviving, most confusing most rewarding thing EVER. It is unconditional love. A love that stretches your heart in ways you never knew possible. But more than anything motherhood is a gift. The most high created a person in his likeness and then trusted me enough to help guide that person through life and that is DOPE AF.”


Happy Mother’s Day to all! Future moms and present moms alike, we are here to make the world a doper place.

Much Love,

Amber Chanel 💛

Amber Chanel

Just a squirrel trying to get a nut.

A Dope Girl's Survival Guide to Corona 💛