“To me, Kilothedopemom Rebel, Serial entrepreneur and mother of 8 month old Chief Saiyah, motherhood means providing unconditional love and unbiased guidance for the manifestation of love, that is my son. Being blessed with such an amazing gift and responsibility motivates me to not only accomplish all goals I’ve set for self, but to also walk in the light of a Goddess, so that my son has no doubt in the fact that he is a God. Being an image of love and authenticity for my son is very important to me so he knows not to waiver from his true self, and always abide by the vibes of his intentions. Mothering a Black man in America can be a daunting and terrifying task on the best of days. Motherhood is continuing to solidify an indestructible foundation for my sprouts in order to assure that they are never obligated to rely on the system or anyone else who does not operate with pure and genuine intentions for the collective.”